“There is no benefit in waiting – this is the moment.”
– Walter Green, Founder, Say It Now

How it all started
The Say It Now movement owes its origins to Walter Green, a former CEO living in San Diego, and two pivotal experiences that left an indelible mark on his life. The first was a year-long journey throughout the United States to visit 44 people who significantly impacted his life. This lead to his inspirational book, This is the Moment, where Walter laid the groundwork for the importance of expressing our feelings for others.
The second experience occurred when a friend asked him to organize a celebration of life after his passing. Walter declined. Instead, he convinced him to have a living tribute for his next birthday, where his nearest and dearest gathered to celebrate how much he’d meant in their lives. The event was so enriching for everyone that it affirmed Walter’s commitment to make living tributes a normal part of our daily lives, by making them memorable. In 2022, Walter officially launched the Say It Now movement. Expressing gratitude solidifies relationships and eliminates the prospect of having regrets for things you might have said. It releases warmth. It can even change lives. We hope that you’re inspired to join us.
“We are not self-made. We are blessed to have people in our lives who make a difference. And we want to pay tribute to them while they’re here, to say thank you.”
– Walter Green

About Walter
Walter Green was Chairman of the Board and CEO of Harrison Conference Services for 25 years, during which time it grew into the leading conference center management company in the United States. A frequent lecturer at the Wharton Graduate School of Business, and Hofstra and Long Island universities, Walter has also been featured as an expert on the topic of effective meetings in numerous national publications. Associated for years with the Young Presidents’ Organization and the World Presidents’ Organization, he’s presently a member of the Chief Executives Organization. Since selling his company, he has mentored young adults and is actively involved in several non-profit organizations. Walter lives with his wife, Lola, in San Diego, California.

Ready to do your own expression of gratitude?
Visit our Resources page for everything you need to honor someone who has made an impact on your life.