Think of all the people who’ve helped shape your life.
Just Say It Now,! Just Say It Now!
Isn’t it time we let them know?
Say It Now before it’s too late!
Join the largest gratitude movement on the planet

Tell us your story!
- Think of someone in your life who you are grateful for
- Reflect on the impact they’ve had on your life
- Film it and share your #JustSayItNow with them
Submit your videos and if sharing on social use #JUSTSAYITNOW. Don’t forget to tag us @sayitnowmovement
Join the Say It Now Movement
We’re hitting the streets to
We’re elevating gratitude with powerful, on-the-street interviews, but we need your help to spread the message. Who has made a profound impact on your life? Don’t wait—express your gratitude before it’s too late. Whether it’s a call, text, or video, let them know how they’ve made a difference. By acknowledging that connection, you create a ripple of intention and appreciation. Use the hashtag #JUSTSAYITNOW and join the movement to build deeper relationships and enrich lives.

The Say It Now Movement
Take the opportunity to meaningfully connect with the most important people in your life – and tell them how much of a difference they’ve made. It’s a story only you can tell, so tell it! Become part of the largest gratitude movement, make the connection, and Say It Now. You’ll be so happy you did!

We’re going for 10 million Say It Now expressions. Join us!
Listen to the song
Welcome to Say It Now
The power of Say It Now
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Expressing gratitude
Inspired to Say It Now to someone you know? Visit our Resources page for everything you’ll need to express your gratitude, from real-world stories to tips on how to share your message.

Power of Virtual Gratitude
Technology has made human connection easier than ever. Digital platforms can help facilitate Say It Now celebrations with the click of a button and it’s virtually free. Take a look at Say It Now in action.